Steve Pavlina
I have yet to find a good RSS reader for windows that I like. They all seem to range for eh to horrible. If you have found a good one, let me know. I'm likely to drive myself nuts until I finally get a mac. This is my problem so I will get on with the show.
Here's a short recomendation about someone I subscribe to. I was switching my RSS from Sharpreader to Feedreader which ranks right up there at eh, I'm importing my feeds and I come across a guy who I've recently added and who is worth checking out. Steve Pavlina.
I found a link to Steve's blog when he had started his polyphasic sleep experiement. I've been interested in polyphasic sleep for awhile, adding 40 waking hours a week to your life is pretty enticing and hey, it worked for Jefferson. Polyphasic sleeps replaces one long sleep with a series of small naps every few hours. I was interested in it and reading Steves post about it I devoured his experiences with it. I think I just might try it when I begin to have more control over my schedule. Right now I have things I want to do that simply don't fit in a 4 or 5 hour time period, and missing one of the naps is aparently pretty bad. I'll have to do a bit more research on the subject before I decide if I want to give it a shot, but reading about Steve's view on it is motivating. Give it a look
I'm finding Tristana Reader pretty good, especially because it handles the mp3 files on podcasts, too. See
ta ta for now.
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